
Showing posts from September, 2020

What you need to know and do before pregnancy

If you have the conditions for that Plan before you get pregnant You can start raising your baby before it is born: The first step is to check the physical and mental health of the parents. Many mental or physical illnesses are inherited; For example, mental retardation, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder can have inherited causes. Therefore, before pregnancy, consult a specialist if necessary. Anxiety, depression and stress can directly affect fetal growth. Therefore, it is better for the mother to be sure of her mental health. Maternal stress during pregnancy puts the baby at risk for physical, emotional and behavioral illnesses in the future. Before pregnancy, it is better for the mother to see her dentist to make sure there is no caries in the teeth so that she does not have to use medicine during pregnancy. The family doctor measures blood, vitamins, sugar and fat to make sure the mother is physically healthy. Step 2: Men’s bodies produce fresh sperm every three...

The first three years of children's lives, the golden age of upbringing

The first three years of a child’s life are the golden age of upbringing. Children’s brains grow rapidly in the first two years of life, and parents’ knowledge and awareness will greatly help their child’s brain development. Science today offers useful methods for the proper upbringing of children that many families are still unaware of. The human baby is born like a whiteboard and slowly takes shape in the hands of its parents. The child will have very few memories of the first three years of life, but all his emotions will be etched in his subconscious. Toddlers, because they do not have verbal memory, their memories are recorded in their brain in the form of feelings and emotions and build the foundations of their personality. Unlike in the past, we know today that this golden age plays a very important role in building children’s personality, high self-esteem, and their success and happiness. It is hoped that the golden keys of this book will help paren...

What stories are goods for kids...

Stories that involve the child’s mind are not good, stories that are unsolved puzzles are not good, for example: no one knows what will happen to the hops that were lost in the forest … From these stories that mothers make, children are told that children should not leave their mothers in the streets. Remember that reading should make the child interested in books, not make reading anxious by hearing bad stories …. Remember do not do anything which can cause the child become anxious.

Symptoms for anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder in kids

The following symptoms are seen in children and adolescents with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The child is very worried about the health of the parents, poverty and economic issues. Kids who buy whatever they want first ask for the price, that is, they are anxious. Scores are falling on fears of being expelled from school. When he sleeps, he asks: When will I die? You die sooner than me because you are older .

Not treating your spouse correctly is your biggest mistake

Not treating your spouse correctly is your biggest mistake, Dear parents: No matter how you treat your spouse, you will be a role model for your children’s future; That is, they will treat their spouse in exactly the same way. If you treat your spouse incorrectly and are constantly arguing, they will do the same. Children “follow your behavior” more than you advise them. If you treat your spouse with respect and love, you will show the value of family to your child, and they will feel more secure than having a “safe haven” in this wild world.

Choosing a TV program for children

When choosing a TV program for children, pay attention to the following and avoid choices that have the following features: Images of major hazards or threats to animals, children and parents. Ghostly and supernatural and unjustifiable characters like monsters doing scary things. Violence and physical assault, whether in real or common and familiar forms. Imaginary cartoons depicting the dismemberment of a corpse, bodily injury, amputation or violent physical relations. Their main characters are not compatible with our culture, customs and beliefs. Dangerous physical activity and sports