
Showing posts from December, 2020

What is Food craving and how we can deal with selective hunger during pregnancy?

Selective hunger is one of the most common problems during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and changes in the size of the components in the abdomen. Food craving pregnancy includes nausea and vomiting in the first weeks of pregnancy. This problem is common between 4 and 16 weeks, but can vary in severity and time in different women. The cause of selective pregnancy hunger is usually a sudden increase in some hormones such as estrogen during this period, but genetics and lifestyle have a direct effect on it. Usually, women whose mother or sister has selective hunger or who experience nausea while taking birth control pills are more likely to have selective pregnancy hunger. Usually, more than half of women experience nausea during pregnancy, but about 30% of them experience food craving with vomiting and malaise. Food craving Pregnancy can also cause a pregnant mother to be sensitive to odors. Mild or balanced food craving will not harm the fetus, and even if you do not gain weight in...

Exercise during pregnancy

Mothers who exercised before pregnancy and are not medically contraindicated are advised to continue their daily light exercise. Pregnant mothers who exercise 30 minutes a day will have smarter babies. Benefits of exercise during pregnancy Light exercise during pregnancy increases elongation, strength and endurance It becomes the mother’s muscles and thus helps to bear overweight during pregnancy doing. Strengthening the mother’s muscles prepares her for the pressure of labor and the labor process Facilitates. Exercise reduces some physical problems during pregnancy such as back pain, Swelling of the limbs, constipation, fatigue and bruising, leg cramps and shortness of breath it is possible. Many studies confirm the role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of maternal depression She was pregnant and had postpartum depression. Exercise helps the mother return to her original state after childbirth. Pregnancy takes a lot of energy from pregnant mothers, which is exerc...

We launched our associate web store

Hello everybody! I am very excited to inform you we just launched our Learn new store and you can have access to it from here. Also we think about what our users and visitors are looking for so we start advertising them first. Our main part is for kids and toddlers and they can reach out to their store from here . Kids can buy toys and their cloth needs from our online shop. Thanks for supporting us and get tuned for our next post about mother and important tips and tricks about having baby and their education and growing. You can visit our fashion section for new arrival fashion clothing and accessories for kids, women and men. Please do not forget to comment us about your ideas and point of views or adding new product category for you. Our website is running by our advertising and your supports. Thanks for visiting our website and affiliate links. We may earn very small portion of your order and there is no cost for you at all. Best regards Learn new blog.

Stress during pregnancy

Extreme and long-term stress of the mother during pregnancy puts the baby at risk for physical, emotional and behavioral illnesses in the future. Dr. Susan Andrew in her book entitled Ways to Deal with Stress for Women Pregnant states that there is a direct relationship between stress and maternal anxiety during pregnancy and low birth weight, premature birth, learning, emotional and behavioral problems of the child. Research shows that children of anxious mothers are two to three times more likely than other children to have attention and concentration problems, hyperactivity and inattention, and behavioral problems. The effect of severe and long-term maternal stress on the fetus The child becomes irritable Hyperactivity or lack of concentration and attention in childhood Bad mood of the child Heart problems, blood pressure, diabetes. Low weight baby Child Behavioral Problems Negative effect on the child’s intelligence Today, stress is an integral part of life. Therefore, it is b...

The age of saffron

Saffron has long been mentioned in the South Khorasan region as a symbol of its roots in the culture of these desert people … In fact, for a saffron farmer, it is understandable what is behind the difficult scenes of this saffron that is talked about everywhere … In fact, it is the efforts of the farmer who valued saffron and was able to produce this plant so well that it can be referred to as #red_gold … The age of saffron shows that, this plant more than any other plant over the years in It has been available and used. Even Iranians associated with this plant 3,000 years ago and have preserved it as a valuable heritage until now.

The reason for morning sickness

The most important reason for morning sickness is the increase in phlegm (moisture) in the body. Mucus people are very bored in the morning and late at night, although they go to bed early, but wake up late in the morning. Sometimes they spit on their pillows during the night. In more severe cases, hand and foot pain and stomach pain may also occur. It is said that the ice of these people opens a little after morning. Such people get much worse in humid areas. 🌷 The way to treat these people 🌷 1- Eat ginger brew every day 2- Permanent use of: honey, cinnamon, dates, walnuts 3- Enjoying sunlight (sunbathing) #Saffron