Cool information about the newborn baby

The human baby, unlike all other animals, gives birth to a defective foot, because the human pelvis is small due to the human ability to stand and the head of the whole baby will not pass through the mother’s pelvis. This is why the baby needs a second uterus or mother’s arms to continue growing after birth. If you are experiencing motherhood for the first time, you should know that you will have a very different experience in the first one to two months of your baby’s life. Babies sleep most of the day and night.
But when they wake up, they cry all over their needs. The rate of crying in infants is quite different. Some babies fall asleep comfortably and a small percentage are less restless because of heartburn. But in addition to insomnia, a mother can experience heaven in the very first months of her child. Heaven Maybe your baby’s silent laughter is asleep. Heaven may be the time when it clings to you and its cries subside. Heaven may be the perfume of your baby’s body.
As we know today, the smell of the baby can help young mothers with depression. The baby is a helpless creature in need of your love. In the first months of life, the child will become acquainted with pain and suffering and will anxiously ask for the loving embrace of the mother. The baby’s brain is programmed based on pleasure and pain, and any pain is a warning signal that he cries. Contrary to popular belief, the baby feels pain from birth. What is important is that babies need the mother’s arms to grow.

The mother’s arms will help the baby grow a lot. The baby’s brain development occurred continuously with his brain stimuli. The mother’s skin contact with the baby contributes to her comfort and safety and causes an electric charge.
The baby’s body reaches balance. The baby is born with almost undeveloped and disabled eyes. He is only capable
Identify objects that are ten to seventy-six centimeters in diameter. From the age of two months, a baby can recognize a human face and smile when he sees it. From 14 weeks, babies’ eyes will adjust. Infants between 8 and
10-month-olds will be able to walk on all fours, although some children will never experience quadrupeds. 95% of babies between the ages of three and four months will be able to sit with help, and between six and seven
They will not need a bodyguard to sit for months. Between twelve and fourteen months they can stand alone and walk between twelve to eighteen months.

Between the ages of eighteen and twenty months, they will be able to run and between the ages of twenty-six and twenty-nine months, they will be able to jump. Between the ages of six and eight months, the baby realizes as the brain grows that objects are invisible but present, which is why it bends down to find the pacifier when it falls to the ground. Which can reach its peak in one year and last up to eighteen months. Of course, it should be noted that a percentage of children may not experience separation anxiety.


According to the 2017 World Health Statement, it is best for the baby to be without the mother’s body fat as soon as possible after birth and to perform the necessary medical work, and if possible in less than 12 minutes, to regulate the body temperature with the mother’s body temperature and
Skin-to-skin contact relaxes. The baby needs to hear its mother’s heartbeat. If the environment is cold, the blanket should be wrapped around the mother and baby. If the mother is incapacitated, the father can be replaced. The baby should have a diaper and a hat and be placed on the father’s bare chest to keep warm. Another important point is that the baby needs milk so that his blood sugar does not drop. Then
If the mother is unable to breastfeed, the nurse can use formula with the help of a syringe temporarily. This will not delay the mother’s breastfeeding, but the baby’s hypoglycemia can damage her brain.

Baby weight

Babies usually double in weight in the fourth month of life, triple in weight by one year, and quadruple by two years. On average, babies usually sleep 15 to 17 hours a day.

Premature or low birth weight infants

Premature or underweight children should breastfeed every two hours. Research shows that massaging these babies helps weight gain and the growth of low birth weight babies.


The baby needs to be breastfed every two to four hours. So if your baby does not wake up at night after birth, it is best to wake him up to breastfeed. As soon as your baby starts to gain weight, you will not need to wake him up to breastfeed.

Finger sucking in infants

A 2016 study found that children who sucked or bit their nails in the early years of their lives were more resistant to disease and allergies, and this study is likely to support the old theory that children are more prone to infections. Confirms they are stronger.

Finger sucking is a very natural phenomenon in infants. Babies begin finger sucking from the fetus and in the mother’s womb. Finger sucking can also be a sign of your baby’s hunger, fatigue, pain or boredom. Sucking a finger by children up to the age of two is usually okay, and just make sure your child is not tired or hungry.
Many babies suck their finger to fall asleep and you can replace the pacifier. It will be easier to hold the pacifier in the future than to stop sucking on the finger in the future.


World Health organization does not recommend the use of a pacifier because if public health is not observed, the use of a pacifier can cause diarrhea in the baby and his death. But research shows that using a pacifier in the first year of life helps the baby relax, sleep better, and prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Of course, if the baby is underweight, it is better not to use a pacifier.
Children with pain can make the most of a pacifier.
After one year, it is better for the pacifier to be reduced during sleep so that it does not stop the child from talking and does not cause ear infections by sucking too much. The new generation of pacifiers does not harm the jaws of children.


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