Jack Canfield's keys to success
You are responsible for your success. People who usually blame others for their failures are usually the same people who find it very difficult to find the way to success. Know your goal. Everyone has a goal. The secret is to find that purpose, know it clearly, and pursue it with joy. Decide what you want. Finding your purpose is the first step, but directing your life in the direction of your purpose will be the second step for most people. Believe that anything is possible. The mind can be a powerful tool for spreading positive energy in your path. Remove the doubt Believe me, the world is a good place. Fear is paralyzing. Start believing that the world is a good place, not that everyone is out to see you fail. Be flexible. Problems will disrupt your path to success Persist. The more you persist, the more positive chances are likely to happen. Create a goal and focus on it. Creating a goal will be a yardstick for you to measure your success, check your actions. Take the first step. T...