
Showing posts from September, 2022

Get permission, then ask

Jordan Belfort, in the introduction of his valuable and best-selling book, “The Wolf of Wall Street Sales Strategy”, writes: One of the distinguishing characteristics of professional salespeople is that they always ask the customer’s permission before asking a question, and then ask the question. they do When we ask the customer’s permission and then ask our question, the probability that the customer will give an accurate and complete answer to our question increases. However, many beginner sellers do not follow this obvious rule and ask different questions without the customer’s permission and expect the customer to answer all their questions. Remember, if we don’t ask the customer’s permission before asking him a question, he will think we are like an interrogator trying to force some information out of him. On the contrary, if we ask the client’s permission and then ask our question, the client will see us as a reliable consultant and ...

Eisenhower, matrix for productivity

The Eisenhower Matrix was created by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, who also served as a General in the United States Army and Supreme Allied Commander during World War II. With his many titles and highly successful business, Eisenhower was the epitome of productivity and time management. His experience and skills led him to develop the world famous Eisenhower Matrix. Eisenhower says: I have two kinds of important problems. Necessary essentials and important ones are never necessary. Eisenhower’s Time Management, also known as the Urgent and Critical Matrix, is a powerful time management tool. This will help you organize your tasks based on urgency and importance while still being a little organized. In the Eisenhower matrix, it is opposed to 4 types of tasks: ○ First category includes the urgent and important or “do first” items on your to-do list. These tasks need your immediate attention due to the length of life and career. Group o...

Teach me how to love

Sheikh Hasan Juri, the leader of the Sarbadaran movement in the 8th century of Hijri, says: In the year when I moved to Jundishapur, I heard a word from Khawaja Mohammad Mehtab that he would whip me to the grave. I saw him sitting under the summer sun, spinning yarn and humming a song. I told him, O man of God, teach me to love so that I can worship God with love.. Mehtab said: First, tell me, has a good calligraphy ever made you crazy? I said: No ▪︎ He said: Has the blooming of a flower in the garden of your house ever relieved you of countless sorrows? I said: No ▪︎ He said: Have you ever been delighted by a pleasant and charming voice? I said: No He said: Has a beautiful face ever changed you so much that you don’t know the way out of the well? I said: No He said: Have you ever sung in the rain? I said: No He said: Have you ever looked at the sky waiting for snow, to reduce it on your face and the heat inside? I said: No ▪︎ He said: Has the laughter of a sweet child ever taken ...