Do not forget to use these 7 effective phrases
In its latest research, QMinder Marketing Consulting Institute announced that the following seven phrases have the greatest impact on our customers: 1️⃣ I don’t know, but let me research it We use this expression when the customer asks us a question but we do not know the answer. In such a situation, it is better to honestly say that we do not know the customer’s answer, but we are trying to find the answer to his question, instead of giving false information or messing with the customer. 2️⃣ Thank you for reminding us of this point We use this expression when the customer complains about an issue or shares an important idea with us and we want to thank him. 3️⃣ I will certainly follow up on your request We use this phrase when the customer has a special request that is beyond our authority or we need more time to review it and we don’t want to answer the customer too soon. 4️⃣ I apologize for this problem We use this phrase to apologize to a complaining customer, espe...