
Showing posts from November, 2022

Do not forget to use these 7 effective phrases

In its latest research, QMinder Marketing Consulting Institute announced that the following seven phrases have the greatest impact on our customers: 1️⃣ I don’t know, but let me research it We use this expression when the customer asks us a question but we do not know the answer. In such a situation, it is better to honestly say that we do not know the customer’s answer, but we are trying to find the answer to his question, instead of giving false information or messing with the customer. 2️⃣ Thank you for reminding us of this point We use this expression when the customer complains about an issue or shares an important idea with us and we want to thank him. 3️⃣ I will certainly follow up on your request We use this phrase when the customer has a special request that is beyond our authority or we need more time to review it and we don’t want to answer the customer too soon. 4️⃣ I apologize for this problem We use this phrase to apologize to a complaining customer, espe...

Why do we hate other people's opinions?

David Byrne Instead of hating other people’s opinions, it is better to learn more about the origin of our beliefs. In today’s busy world, it often happens that we hear something and say to ourselves: “God, how could anyone have such an opinion?” We meet people whose beliefs make us angry, sad or laugh and we think we have nothing in common with them. A few years ago, the social psychologist, Jonathan Hight, in the book The Righteous Mind, stated that there are six basic moral values ​​and the importance of each of them determines our behavior. I find them a really effective tool for understanding people who have a different perspective than my own. These tools help me not feel superior. They let me imagine what others think and why they believe what they believe; Because we really share many of the same values. These values ​​(and their opposite point) are as follows: 1. Caring/Injury:  We are all family and we should be kind to others as much as we can. Suf...

6 effective solutions to manage the performance of remote workers

By recognizing and rewarding your employees, you can improve their engagement and performance and retain them in the company. The dramatic increase in telecommuting has caused businesses to think of ways to manage their employees to get positive results. In this post, we have mentioned 6 strategies for managing the performance of remote employees. 1- Setting clear goals In order for your remote employees to be able to do their jobs successfully, you need to set clear goals for them. That way, they know what you expect from them, and they work accordingly. Although telecommuting has its advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example, remote employees do not experience the interactions of the workplace, and therefore learning from their colleagues can be challenging for them. Therefore, managers should try to guide their remote employees and keep them informed about all the changes. In this way, the sense of lack of communication with the work environment will be reduced and the empl...