
Showing posts from December, 2022

Jack Canfield's keys to success

You are responsible for your success. People who usually blame others for their failures are usually the same people who find it very difficult to find the way to success. Know your goal. Everyone has a goal. The secret is to find that purpose, know it clearly, and pursue it with joy. Decide what you want. Finding your purpose is the first step, but directing your life in the direction of your purpose will be the second step for most people. Believe that anything is possible. The mind can be a powerful tool for spreading positive energy in your path. Remove the doubt Believe me, the world is a good place. Fear is paralyzing. Start believing that the world is a good place, not that everyone is out to see you fail. Be flexible. Problems will disrupt your path to success Persist. The more you persist, the more positive chances are likely to happen. Create a goal and focus on it. Creating a goal will be a yardstick for you to measure your success, check your actions. Take the first step. T...

When and how much are managers allowed to lie?!

We were on a plane that was supposed to take us to Yazd. It was morning and eating breakfast did not allow most of the passengers to notice the change of the plane’s route. A few minutes later, the pilot calmly and gently explained to us that due to problems in Yazd airport’s navigation systems, we will return to Tehran and assured us that the problem is related to the airport and has nothing to do with the plane. When the pilot explained the issue, one of the passengers who was sitting in the row in front of me said to his fellow passenger: “Don’t believe him, he is lying, the problem is with the plane! And I wonder why we don’t trust what the authorities say, we don’t believe them We are pessimists and skeptics, I thought and felt sad. Immediately after the plane landed at the Mehrabad airport, the pilot started talking again and explained that the problem was related to the plane and that he told an expedient lie in order not to make us worry and a...

Genuine and real success

A researcher named Howard Stevenson became interested in the topic of “genuine and sustainable success” and with the help of his colleague, he conducted a large number of interviews with some very successful people in order to firstly define success and secondly, from these people, experiences and recommendations for others who want to be successful. Hear and publish. Some of the people who were interviewed did not consider themselves successful at all, others thought that they were not successful enough, and some of them considered themselves successful but regretted that for this success, there was something more important such as health, family, hereafter or They lose or forget their personality. In these interviews, he and his colleagues found out that the most successful people have had a positive effect on others, they have not imitated them, they are aware of their limitations and weaknesses, they also have and have made mistakes, there are still things that they have...

Choosing the successor of Timur Lang

It is said that Timur Lang was born lame and one leg was shorter than the other. One day, he gathered all the commanders of his army around a hill covered with snow, on top of which there was an oak tree, in order to determine his successor. His chiefs were encircling the hill. Timur said: Everyone move towards the tree one by one and whoever has a straight line will be my replacement. They all did this and reached the tree, but when they looked at the footprints left on the snow behind them, they all saw that they reached the tree, but all of them were zigzag and crooked. Until the last person Timur Leng himself walked towards the tree and to his surprise, even though he was lame, he reached the tree in a straight line. Why do you think Timur could not choose his successor on that snowy day? What was wrong with his generals that they could not move in a straight line like Timur and replace him? In the story of Timur Lang, when the narrator asks the reason from Timur himself, Timur ans...

The Right Questions includes 10 powerful questions

The Right Questions includes 10 powerful questions designed to uncover the motivation behind your actions. These questions will help you become aware of your choices and their consequences: Will this choice lead me to an inspiring future or keep me stuck in the past? Will this choice bring me long-term satisfaction or instant gratification? Am I standing in my position of power or am I trying to please others? Am I looking for the good or the bad? Does this choice add to my life force or rob me of my energy? Do I use this situation as an accelerator for growth and evolution or do I use it to suppress myself? Does this choice empower me or disable me? Is this work out of self-love or a self-destructive act? Is this out of faith or fear? Do I choose from the divine part of my being or from being human?

Are you an eagle or a duck!

When you travel to New York City, the most interesting part of your trip is when you plan to take a taxi after leaving the plane and the airport. If you find a taxi to enter the city and reach your destination, you are in luck. If the taxi driver knows the city and finds your address, you have met another luck. If you know the driver’s language and can talk to him, then you are in luck, and if the driver is not angry, you are facing something else. In short, to reach the destination, you have to pass many obstacles. Harvey McKay says: “One day after leaving the plane, I was standing in the area waiting for a taxi when suddenly a driver with a clean white shirt and a black bow tie jumped out of his car, approached me and after greeting and introduction “Please put your luggage in the trunk,” he said. Then he handed me a small card and said, “Please pay attention to the phrase that defines my mission.” It was written on the card: “I will take you ...

The formula for making crap

Today, someone was passing in front of my workplace, he came inside and said: May I wash my hands here?! I directed him to the bathroom faucet and said: Come on! He went and shouted from the bathroom: May I use your dishwasher liquid as soap too?! I said: Please! Sure. After a few minutes, he came back and said: You don’t put vinegar in your dishwashing liquid?! I said: What is vinegar for?! He said: Dishwashing liquid contains ingredients that are harmful to health. You should add half-half vinegar to it to remove those ingredients. I said: Maybe this is not one of the prescriptions of camels and camels? It fit! And he laughed at the job title of the camel that I gave to those two clowns and said: Now there is no harm! Vinegar is a useful thing, if I don’t need it, it doesn’t harm my health anyway!? I said: It may be harmful to the health of the body, but to the health of the mind. He said: What does that mean? What a loss! I said: All the fraudsters wrap the chains o...